Eating a little too much at one sitting can hurt your weight loss goals, because you can only absorb so much nutrition at one sitting. So, any excess calories whether they be from carbs, veggies, fat or protein will be stored as fat. For example there was a women on “600 lb Life” that swore she was eating only 1500 calories a day. But, she was not losing weight. The problem was she was eating 500 calories at breakfast, and then eating 1000 calories with her family in the evening. The excess was turned into fat, and because she was not eating enough during the day, her metabolism was nothing, because her body was in starvation mode. Conclusion, if you want to shred fat, you have to eat FIVE to SIX meals a day to keep your metabolism up. This effectively works like getting lap band surgery, because you can only eat a small portion of food at each sitting. So, each mini meal needs to be a balance of complex carbs, protein, and good fat, to keep your metabolism HIGH, and your body in fat burning mode. You also need to make sure each meal is nutritionally dense, the right calories, and balanced. Also what is very important is to do resistance training, AND light cardio as ideal for stopping muscle atrophy. Do yoga for muscle recovery and don’t over train.


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